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Native America Calling: How tribes brought about a historic dam removal
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How tribes brought about a historic dam removal
One of four dams on the Klamath River is already mostly demolished.

Crews predict the other three will be gone by the end of next year. It’s the largest dam removal project in U.S. history and tribes along the river were instrumental in making it happen.

The tribes say the dam removal will rehabilitate native salmon runs that are greatly diminished and restore sacred land that has been underwater for more than a century.

'Bring the Salmon Home. Remove the Klamath Dams'
A banner from the Karuk Tribe reads “Bring the Salmon Home. Remove the Klamath Dams.” Photo: Patrick McCully

Guests on Native America Calling
Barry McCovey Jr. (Yurok), Yurok Fisheries Department Director

Brandi Hatcher (Klamath Tribes), treasurer of Klamath Tribes

Chairwoman Frances Charles (Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe), chairwoman of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe

Mark Bramson, chief executive officer of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation

native america calling
Native America Calling
Listen to Native America Calling every weekday at 1pm Eastern.
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