RSVP: New England Rally for Climate Forests
Join forest and climate activists from around New England and the nation on Saturday November 12th for a rally in defense of our #ClimateForests! 

The Green Mountain National Forest's Telephone Gap project, labeled one of the ten worst logging projects for the climate on federal lands across the US, is set to propose nearly 11,000-acres of logging in mature forests along the spine of Vermont. In the face of climate change and extinction, we know our public forests are #WorthMoreStanding. On November 12th, stand in solidarity with the Climate Forests National Week of Action as we make a bold statement to elected officials and Forest Service staff that we want permanent protections for mature and old-growth forests on federal public lands, including Telephone Gap.

Please RSVP below to help us plan, to join a carpool, and to make sure you get updates as the event approaches.

Event Details:
  • Saturday morning - Carpooling from regional locations (details will be shared after you RSVP)
  • Noon - Rally outside the Rochester Ranger Station, Green Mtn National Forest (99 Ranger Rd, Rochester, VT 05767 - approximately 1.8 miles north of the village of Rochester on VT Route 100 - look for the large Forest Service sign and white building on the east side of the road)
  • 1pm - Drive to recent clearcuts near Rochester
  • 3pm (approx.) - Event wraps-up and participants head home
Things to remember:
  • Wear orange or bright colors! This is the beginning of hunting season in VT, and it'll also help us stand out at the rally. 
  • Bring snacks and water.
  • Dress for cold weather (long underwear, layers, etc.) and wear sturdy shoes if planning to visit the clearcut areas after the rally.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number
Would you like to carpool?
Are you willing/able to drive other people?
If you would like a ride or can offer a ride, where will you be traveling from?
Are you a part of a nonprofit organization, student group, religious institution, or other entity that would like join the local Save Public Forests Coalition working to protect the Green Mountain National Forest (see links at the bottom of this email for more information)? If so, please share the name of the org/entity:
Endorsing org/entity contact person name, email, and phone number (if different from you)
Thanks and see you at the rally!
Photo: Evie Lovett
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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