NH Renews Climate & Energy Lobby Days
Join the NH Renews coalition as we make our voices heard and show our collective power!

During our New Hampshire Lobby Day June 8th, at 11:30am, we will target legislative committees that have influence on bills that impact our utility costs, the energy sources we rely on, and how we cut carbon emissions while ensuring that everyone benefits. Together, we will speak about the climate and energy issues that matter most to us, and urge our elected leaders to take bold action for a future in which we can all thrive. 

No prior experience is needed, just your willingness to speak up for the changes that will impact you and New Hampshire's working families. The coalition will set up the meetings with legislative committees and offer support in preparing for Lobby Day, including a training. 

Click "Next" below to sign up, and we'll see you there. 

About NH Renews: We are a coalition of 11 grassroots organizations – including frontline communities,  Indigenous tribes, environmental justice advocates, youth groups, and racial justice organizations. Together, we are fighting to ensure that everyone in New Hampshire – Black, brown, and white, Indigenous and immigrant – has dignified work, a safe place to call home, and clean air to breathe and water to drink.
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