Trident submarine set for first UK missile test since 2016

HMS Vanguard expected to launch unarmed weapon off the US east coast in the coming days
HMS Vanguard is re-entering the UK’s fleet after a £500 million refit that overran by three years
HMS Vanguard is re-entering the UK’s fleet after a £500 million refit that overran by three years

The Royal Navy is due to test fire a nuclear missile for the first time since a failed launch eight years ago, it has emerged.

HMS Vanguard, one of the UK’s four nuclear submarines, is expected to launch a single unarmed missile from 56 miles off the US east coast in the coming days.

The tests are the final hurdle for HMS Vanguard to re-enter service as part of the UK’s nuclear deterrent fleet after the submarine underwent a £500 million overhaul that took three years longer than planned.

The US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency issued a warning to shipping this week that plotted the missile’s expected course to an impact in the mid-Atlantic.

According to the “hazardous operations” warning, the 60-tonne missile is due to