letter to the editor

Voting for Gov. Mills

Mon, 10/17/2022 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

I’m voting to re-elect our first-ever female governor, Janet Mills, because she honors science, listens to the experts, and responds accordingly. Moments into her job, she had to make tough decisions, and take drastic measures to keep Mainers safe from a COVID-19 pandemic that was claiming thousands of lives in other states – some of them with dismissive policies that resulted in high rates of hospitalizations and deaths. Governor Mills showed political courage in doing the right thing, while knowing it was unpopular with some, and even harmful to businesses. She saved lives. She insured that our vaccination rates were some of the highest in the nation, and that our hospitalization and death rates were some of the lowest in the nation. I want someone willing to put a higher value on human welfare than anything else during a pandemic.

Governor Mills is tough without being belligerent, or abrasive, or stuck in an “us or them” mentality. She governs with intelligence, has a deep love for the state of Maine, and has an unwavering commitment to sound policy – not divisive ideology.

I want four more years of Mills’ effective leadership to add on to her historic investments in Maine - such as fully funding our public schools for the first time in Maine history, establishing a new Climate Action Plan to provide recommendations for achieving the state's bold climate targets while protecting our pristine natural resources, and her following the will of Maine voters by expanding health care to more than 93,000 people.

Please join me in casting your vote for Governor Mills this November.

Paula Arsenault
