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Welcome to Summit Presbyterian Church

We are a diverse and spirited congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), seeking to proclaim God's love in Christ through word and deed. We gather every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. We share joys and concerns, pray, sing and hear the Word proclaimed in scripture, sermon and music. 


We come from many different backgrounds, and believe that the journey of faith is full of questions as well as joy. You can learn about our ministries, history and mission on this website. If you would like to worship God in a caring community, come "taste and see"!  You can reach our pastor, Cheryl Pyrch, at (215) 438-2825 or


Sunday services start at 10:00 a.m.

Join us for worship in person or on Zoom! 

Directional Signs


 Saturday, May 11, 12:00 - 5:00 p.m., between 6900-7100 Germantown Ave — Whether you know Summit well or want to learn more, come say hello at our table at Mt. Airy Day. We’ll have activities, tomato plants for sale, and information about our ministries and worship. We hope to see or meet you there!



The Day of Pentecost is Sunday, May 19, when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. It also marks the end of Eastertide, the 50 days following the first Easter Sunday when we read scriptures of the resurrection appearances and the early days of the church. We invite you to wear RED – symbolizing the power of the Holy Spirit given to the disciples on that day. There will also be an Outreach Meeting after church. All are welcome!

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Soup & Ladle


We welcome seniors from the church and community (55 and over) to a home-cooked meal and joyous fellowship. Join us on first and third Tuesdays at noon in the Parlor! Next meetings: May 7, 21.

Woman with Bible


On Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 we study the scripture passage for Sunday, and then share joys and concerns as we gather for prayer. It’s a chance to connect mid-week and enjoy rich conversation. Access from the worship link above.

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Canned Goods


Blessing Bags provide help for those experiencing homelessness in Center City; we also work with the Outreach Center of Mental Health Partnerships. Blessing Bags contain non-perishable food items such as granola bars, pretzels, fruit snacks, raisins, chips, crackers, small water bottles and non-food items like small tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, small soft packs of Kleenex, chap-stick, vaseline lotion.  We collect items on Sunday. For more information, contact

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Energy ran high at Summit on Saturday January 6 as Summit hosted its first ever Northwest Volunteer Connect – a matchmaking event designed to connect community nonprofits with potential volunteers. Despite miserable weather, representatives from 24 area nonprofits were on hand to greet over 120 community members looking for ways to serve. People met, talked, and connected with neighbors, groups, and each other. A representative from one organization told us she had filled eight pages with names of potential volunteers. The chance to mingle also paid off for the organizations as several told us they found ways their groups could benefit each other. Special kudos to our partners, West and East Mount Airy Neighbors!


Thanks to everyone who spread the word, showed up, and participated in any way. Particular thanks to our Summit members and staff who did so much to make the event a success.

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