Climate Action This Week: 
  • Opposing the subsidizing of alternative jet fuels
  • Climate in the Growth Management Act
  • Eliminating certain tax deductions for petroleum products and crude oil 
  • Responsible environmental management of batteries
  • Reducing public health and environmental impacts from lead
  • Environmental and labor reporting for public building (Buy Clean, Buy Fair)
  • Addressing landlords' claims for damage 
  • Budget Advocacy:
     - Fund zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles programs
     - Conserve state forest lands
     - Fully fund the Trust Land Transfer Program
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Question Title

* Your Information

Pick as many or as few actions as you’d like. Remember to scroll down and click the "DONE" button when you finish.

Thank you for taking action with the 350 WA Civic Action Team!
These first four actions should take about 10 to 15 minutes.
They involve one sign-in with comments and three straightforward sign-ins.
📜 1. Promoting the alternative jet fuel industry in Washington - SB 5447

SB 5447 would use Climate Commitment Act funds to provide tax credits for alternative jet fuels with lower carbon emissions than conventional jet fuel. It is designed to promote the development of the low carbon fuel industry in Washington state and is intended to decrease greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft.

Unfortunately, that is an unrealistic and problematic strategy. For more detail about the problems with this approach, see the talking points below, or longer versions here and here. We want to educate our legislators about investment in regional rail to decrease flights. This is much more impactful than alternative jet fuel as a way to decrease emissions and is relevant as they begin budget negotiations.

We are following the lead of the 350 Seattle Aviation Team on this bill.

This action was in last Wednesday’s alert but that hearing was canceled and many of you may have found that the sign-in options were removed.

The public hearing has now been rescheduled by the House Committee on Environment & Energy for Monday, March 13, 1:30 PM.

✏️ Please sign in here to OPPOSE SB 5447 before Monday, March 13, 12:30 PM, and select “Con” in the position button.

✏️ In addition, please also sign in here to select “Con” and leave a comment before Tuesday, March 14, 1:30 PM.

Both signing in through the first link and signing in with a comment through the second link will have maximum impact in explaining our concerns to legislators, and you can copy the web addresses into your comment to supply legislators with detailed information about rail investments to decrease the need for regional flights.
📑 The first sentence of the written comment should be: “Please OPPOSE SB 5447.”

Then choose 2-3 additional sentences from the options below, or feel free to write your own:
  • This is an industry development bill, not a climate bill, and an inappropriate use of precious Climate Commitment Act funds. Alternative jet fuels would provide only very modest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and do nothing for the other impacts such as contrails, noise and local pollution impacting primarily low-income communities near airports.
  • If instead of subsidizing the aviation industry, the industry were made financially responsible for its continuing pollution, it would be incentivized to develop non-polluting solutions such as electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell electric propulsion planes.
  • Bio-based jet fuels cannot scale up without causing harmful impacts to ecosystems, harmful land use changes, or sacrificing food sources according to a new UK Study:
  • Recent investigative reporting uncovered that many alternative fuels are highly polluting. For example, refining fuel from discarded plastic causes a huge cancer risk, yet there is nothing in this bill to prevent this use of municipal waste, of which around 16% is plastic.
  • The amendment to monitor some changes in air pollution around Sea-Tac is a good idea, but it would be best not to expose these overburdened communities to new risks in the first place.
  • By focusing on this small reduction and rewarding the aviation industry by subsidizing it, we divert attention from the need to reduce flying. This bill perpetuates dependence on air travel and fails to study the inefficient reliance on flights for business travel. Supporting this elite lifestyle at the economic and environmental expense of all taxpayers is inequitable and wrong.
  • The legislature should devote Climate Commitment Act funds to developing faster, cleaner and more frequent regional rail travel. That would secure more immediate environmental benefits and reduce pollution by shifting traffic from the sky and road to rail. For example, please devote CCA funds to the north-south Amtrak Cascades service, the east-west rail corridor via Stampede Tunnel, and the rail network in Southeast Washington. See here for more information:, and see here for proposed rail revisions to the 2023-25 Transportation budget:

Question Title

* Did you sign in or leave a comment for SB 5447?

📜 2. Improving the state's response to climate change by updating the state's planning framework - HB 1181

This is the updated version of last session’s HB 1099 which just failed to pass at the eleventh hour. Like last year’s version, HB 1181 will require a climate change and resiliency element to be included within the comprehensive plans that certain counties and cities must adopt under the Growth Management Act (GMA). They will be required to address the adverse impacts of climate change and identify actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) with guidance from the Department of Commerce. The Department of Ecology will also have to update its Shoreline Master Program guidelines to address sea level rise and increased storm severity. In sum, this update to the GMA will ensure that these cities and counties reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and protect communities and natural resources from the accelerating impacts of a changing climate.

We are following the lead of Futurewise on this bill.

Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Local Government, Land Use & Tribal Affairs on Tuesday, March 14, 8:00 AM.

✏️ Please sign in here to support HB 1181 before Tuesday, March 14, 7:00 AM, and select “Pro” in the position button.

✏️ Miss this deadline or wish to leave a comment? You can still sign in here to select “Pro” and leave a comment before Wednesday, March 15, 8:00 AM.

📑 The first sentence of the written comment should be: “I support HB 1181.” 

Then choose 1-2 additional sentences from the options below, or feel free to write your own:
  • We need to take climate change into account as we manage our growth. If Washington state is truly serious about taking climate action, this bill, in its strongest form, needs to pass this year.
  • Last year’s failure to pass 1099 was unacceptable; this year the policy must pass.
  • Transportation is our biggest source of climate pollution. We need an updated GMA to reduce sprawl.  
  • Updating the GMA to provide better land use and transportation planning will result in more livable communities and reduce climate pollution at the same time. 
  • Cities and counties need to use smart planning to reduce and prevent the impacts of wildfire, drought, sea level rise and flooding. 

Question Title

* Did you sign in or leave a comment for HB 1181?

📜 3. Eliminating the state public utility tax deduction for the instate portion of interstate transport of petroleum products and crude oil - SB 5309

As stated in its title, this bill will eliminate a tax deduction for the in-state portion of interstate transport of petroleum products and crude oil.

Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Finance on Tuesday, March 14, 8:00 AM.

✏️ Please sign in here to support SB 5309 before Tuesday, March 14, 7:00 AM, and select “Pro” in the position button.

✏️ Miss this deadline or wish to leave a comment? You can still sign in here to select “Pro” and leave a comment before Wednesday, March 154, 8:00 AM.

📑 The first sentence of the written comment should be: “I support HB 5309.” 

Then choose 1-2 additional sentences from the options below, or feel free to write your own:
  • This bill will eliminate a tax deduction currently enjoyed by those selling or buying petroleum products and crude oil.  
  • This bill will discourage the use of these pollutants while raising additional revenue for the state.

Question Title

* Did you sign in or leave a comment for SB 5309?

📜 4. Providing for responsible environmental management of batteries - SB 5144

This bill requires battery manufacturers to manage and pay for a responsible recycling program for single use and rechargeable batteries which will be convenient, free and accessible for Washington residents. Recycling the materials in batteries will decrease the need to mine raw materials, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, other pollutants, and landscape destruction. Proper handling and recycling of used batteries helps prevent the release of toxic materials into the environment and into the waste stream where they can ignite fires in collection trucks and solid waste facilities, creating safety problems for workers. For more detail, see Zero Waste Washington’s factsheet.

We are following the lead of Zero Waste Washington on this bill.

Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Environment & Energy on Tuesday, March 14, 4:00 PM.

✏️ Please sign in here to support SB 5144 before Tuesday, March 14, 3:00 PM, and select “Pro” in the position button.

Question Title

* Did you sign in for SB 5144?

All done? Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and click the “DONE” button to submit your actions!
We think these next three sign-in actions will take about 10 minutes.
📜 5. Reducing public health and environmental impacts from lead - HB 1554

While private jets and commercial airliners use unleaded fuel, smaller aircraft still use leaded fuel and are the largest single source of lead in the air in the US. Unfortunately this substitute bill has been weakened by eliminating the requirement to phase out leaded aviation fuel. However, it still requires Washington’s Department of Transportation to issue guidance on mitigating the public health and environmental harms with such measures as reducing idling time, increasing the distance between run-up and public areas, eliminating the practice of casting off leaded fuel, and educating employees. Each airport operator will have to implement a plan of best practices based on the guidance. The Department of Ecology will be authorized to adopt rules to implement, administer, and enforce requirements related to leaded aviation gasoline. The bill also requires updated guidance for health care providers on testing the blood levels of children living near airports.

We are following the lead of 350 Seattle Aviation and King County International Airport Community Coalition (KCIACC) on this bill.

Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology on Wednesday, March 15, 8:00 AM.

✏️ Please sign in here to support HB 1554 before Wednesday, March 15, 7:00 AM, and select “Pro” in the position button.

Question Title

* Did you sign in for HB 1554?

📜 6. Requiring environmental and labor reporting for public building construction and renovation material - HB 1282

This bill, known as “Buy Clean, Buy Fair'', establishes environmental and labor reporting requirements for the construction or renovation of large public buildings with an emphasis on optimizing the embodied carbon throughout the lifecycle of the structure, improving human and environmental health, growing economic competitiveness, and promoting high labor standards in manufacturing by incorporating climate and other types of pollution impacts and the quality of working conditions into the procurement process. The bill attempts to recognize and reward Washington manufacturers that promote high labor standards in manufacturing, and to preserve and expand low carbon materials manufacturing in Washington.

350 WA CAT recommends this action.

Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology on Wednesday, March 15, 8:00 AM.

✏️ Please sign in here to support HB 1282 before Wednesday, March 15, 7:00 AM, and select “Pro” in the position button.

Question Title

* Did you sign in for HB 1282?

📜 7. Addressing documentation and processes governing landlords' claims for damage to residential premises - HB 1074

This bill would prevent landlords from charging tenants for “wear resulting from ordinary use” when they terminate their leases. It also requires landlords to provide itemized lists of repair charges they are deducting from deposits so tenants know exactly what they are being charged for and can more easily contest charges. These debts often create housing insecurity and fall most heavily on low-income renters, people with disabilities, single parents, and people with housing vouchers, who are disproportionately people of color.

350 WA CAT recommends this action.

Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Housing on Wednesday, March 15,1:30 PM.

✏️ Please sign in here to support HB 1074 before Wednesday, March 15, 12:30 PM, and select “Pro” in the position button.

Question Title

* Did you sign in for HB 1074?

All done? Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and click the "DONE” button to submit your actions!
We think these last three budget advocacy actions will take about 10 - 15 minutes.
📜 8. Climate Commitment Act opportunity: Fund zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles programs

The transportation sector is responsible for a large proportion of Washington’s climate pollution. Medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) vehicles, such as school and transit buses, garbage trucks, delivery vans, and semis, have a disproportionate pollution impact due to their high mileage and use of diesel fuel. In addition to their warming effect, they emit cancer-causing and other toxic particles, causing health disparities particularly for those living or working near major roads, often low-income communities.

For this action, we are supporting a Climate Solutions campaign making a budget request to fund programs that will incentivize, facilitate and educate about zero-emission MHDs.

✏️Please click here to use the Climate Solutions sign-on page that contains more information as well as some talking points and suggested text to send a message to your legislators! We encourage you to personalize the text for more impact.

Question Title

* Did you message your legislators about zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles?

📜 9. Climate Commitment Act opportunity: Conserve state forestlands

For this budget action we ask that you email both of your representatives and your senator about funding the parallel house and senate bills on forest preservation. Ask them to request that Natural Climate Solutions Account funds be used to their best potential by funding the conservation of carbon-dense, structurally complex forests on state lands.

✏️ Please click here to contact both of your Representatives using the “Comment on this bill” form for HB 1147, Concerning the capital budget, and press “Neutral” in the position button.

✏️ Please click here to contact your Senator using the “Comment on this bill” form for SB 5200, Concerning the capital budget, and press “Neutral” in the position button.

📑 The first sentence of your comment should be: “Please ensure that Natural Climate Solutions Account funds are used to their best potential by funding the conservation of carbon-dense, structurally complex forests on state lands.”

Then add one or two of the following sentences or feel free to write your own:
  • Current state policy is logging our older state forests at the rate of 4,000 acres per year. This is environmentally destructive and bad climate policy.
  • The climate and ecosystem benefits of older forests are more important for future generations than the modest amounts of timber they would provide in the near term.

Question Title

* Did you contact both of your Representatives about Conserving state forest lands?

Question Title

* Did you contact your Senator about Conserving state forest lands?

📜 10. Budget advocacy: Trust Land Transfer program

HB 1460, Concerning the department of natural resources land transactions, revenue distributions, and creation and management of a trust land transfer program, will authorize the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to activate its Trust Lands Transfer program, which will support DNR in transferring underperforming public lands back to local communities and acquiring new land for working forests. HB 1460 has passed the House and has already had its first hearing in the Senate.

✏️ Please click here to contact both of your Representatives and Senator using the “Comment on this bill' form for HB 1460 and press “Support” in the position button.

📑 The first two sentences of your comment should be: “I support this bill. Please ensure that the Trust Land Transfer program is fully funded in the Capital Budget.

Then add one or two of the following sentences or feel free to write your own:
  • Please include $25 million in the Capital Budget for the Trust Land Transfer program. This program will economically repurpose under-performing state lands for a greater public good.
  • The Trust Land Transfer program needs to be fully funded to create a robust asset base for the State Trusts. We need an effective mechanism for counties receiving revenue when replacement land is not within their boundaries.
  • This bill will provide a transparent process for creation of transfers and streamline transfers between the Common Trust and State Forest land.

Question Title

* Did you contact both of your Representatives and Senator about the Trust Land Transfer program?

Question Title

* Thanks for taking action with us! Please let us know if you had any issues.

-- The 350 WA Civic Action Team

PS Not on the CAT email list? Sign up here!