Solutions Not Suspensions


Quick Facts about the Solutions Not Suspensions Act

Bill Numbers: A4591/S1040 
Bill Sponsors: Senator Robert Jackson and Assembly Member Michaelle Solages 

Key Provisions

  • Require school codes of conduct to include restorative approaches to discipline, to proactively foster a school community based on cooperation, communication, trust, and respect
  • Limit the use of suspensions for students in pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade to only the most serious behavior
  • Shorten the maximum length of suspensions from 180 to 20 school days
  • Require that students who are suspended receive academic instruction, and the opportunity to earn credit, complete assignments, and take exams.
  • Prohibits suspensions for minor incidents such as violating a dress code, or “talking back” to a teacher; 
  • Strengthens due process protects for students at risk of suspension
  • Applies all of these provisions to charter schools as well as public schools

There’s very little time left to pass the bill this year, but it isn’t too late. Take action now with the toolkit below! 

STEP 1 | Make Some Calls

STEP 2 | Tweet at State Leaders

STEP 3 | Email Your Legislators


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