Talk Out of School

Mayoral control of NYC school: good, bad or ugly

Episode Summary

Leonie interviews Shino Tanikawa and Jonathan Greenberg, two public school parent leaders, who will explain the issues surrounding mayoral control of NYC public schools, which will either lapse, be renewed or amended by the Legislature by the end of June. In preparation for that decision, the State Education Dept. is holding hearings on mayoral control starting this week to hear from parents, educators, advocates and community members about what they think of this governance system.

Episode Notes

Class Size Matters & AQE,  Press release and letter to SED, urging that NYC be required to produce a corrective action plan on class size reduction. 

Register to Testify at NYC Council Hearing on budget cuts Monday, December 11th, at 10:00am; Progressive caucus rally against budget cuts that morning at 9 AM in City Hall Park.

NYSED Schedule of mayoral control hearings, Dec. 5 thru Jan. 29 in various boroughs

The City: Two Years of Mayoral School Control for Eric Adams — With New Strings Attached 

NeQuan McLean and Shino Tanikawa, It’s Time for a Democratic School Governance System to Replace Mayoral Control

2009 Parent Commission Report on School Governance

NYC Comptroller report, 2013: No more Rubber Stamp

Ed Week, Mayoral control: a Fading school reform

To sign up for ECC briefings on Mayoral control, register at