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Free Her MA Action Toolkit
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Massachusetts is trying to build a $50 million women’s prison. Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women oppose this project.

Families for Justice as Healing, The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls and our supporters are fighting to release women from incarceration and reinvest in what women and communities need to thrive.

A key strategy to stop the $50 million women’s prison is passing the Jail and Prison Construction Moratorium - a five year pause on major construction projects. The Prison Moratorium would not stop essential repairs.

Get involved with the FreeHer Campaign:

Take action today…

  1.  Sign the petition to tell Sheriffs and your legislators to resource communities, not carceral construction projects
  2. Tell House and Senate leadership to pass the Prison Moratorium as soon as possible

Sign the petition to stop the expansion of jails and prisons!

Jails and prisons are NOT housing, health care facilities, treatment beds, or colleges! Tell our elected officials - invest in communities not jail and prison construction!

Sign the petition here: and share it with your network!

This petition supports the passage of the Jail and Prison Construction Moratorium (S1979) again this session as soon as possible.

Tell the Senate President and Speaker of the House to Pass the Prison Moratorium

We are less than three months away from the end of the legislative session. The Senate version of the bill is stuck in the State Administration and Regulatory Oversight Committee. It’s still possible to move the Prison Moratorium - either by reporting the bill out of committee, or adding Prison Moratorium language to other legislation that the House and Senate are considering. We need to mobilize pressure on House and Senate leadership to make this happen.

Please call and email Senate President Spilka and Speaker of the House Ron Mariano and ask them to pass the Prison Moratorium ASAP.

✩ Senate President Karen Spilka

(617) 722-1500

Call her office to leave a message, and email her Senior Policy Advisor Colby Dillon:

Email/call script: “Hello, my name is _______ and I am calling to ask the Senate President to take immediate action to pass the Prison Moratorium. The Moratorium language has been updated by the State Administration Committee to clarify that urgent repairs can be made for the well-being of incarcerated people. The legislature should set a clear limit on what jail and prison construction can happen over the next five years so our state can keep the focus on further reducing the incarcerated population, implementing alternatives, and investing in communities. Please add the updated Prison Moratorium language to legislation that will be passed before the end of the session. Thank you.”

Speaker of the House Ron Mariano

(617) 722-2500

Call his office to leave a message, and email his Senior Policy Advisor Joseph Masciangioli: 

Email/call script: “Hello, my name is _______ and I would like the Speaker of the House to prioritize passing the Prison Moratorium. The Moratorium language has been updated by the State Administration Committee to clarify that urgent repairs can be made for the well-being of incarcerated people. The legislature should set a clear limit on what jail and prison construction can happen over the next five years so our state can keep the focus on further reducing the incarcerated population, implementing alternatives, and investing in communities. Please add the updated Prison Moratorium language to legislation that will be passed before the end of the session, like the Economic Development bill. Thank you.”