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May Day 2024: Activists Gather in DC to Call for TPS Protections

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Today, on May Day — a traditional day of action recognizing workers — activists from all over the country came to Washington, D.C. to call for Temporary Protective Status (TPS) protections and status for immigrant workers.

The importance of immigrant workers was highlighted during the pandemic, when immigrants made up some 20% of essential workers in the US. The issue came up again during the recent tragedy at Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, when a cargo ship collided into and caused the collapse of the bridge, killing six immigrant construction workers on the night shift.

In light of such important immigrant contributions and sacrifices, advocates have called for President Biden to grant legal status to longtime immigrant workers, including those with TPS and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status.

View the photos and videos from today’s day of action below: